Wednesday, September 19

Crawling and Sitting

Berkleigh has coordinated her legs and hands and can really get places. She isn't fast yet, but still... she can go where she wants to go. After she gets to the toy of her choice, she can go from crawling to sitting! Amazing! I need to get those plug covers and move our dvds when we get home!

5 love notes:

Emily said...

Hey jen they are so cute, she sure can move!!

ecuakim said...

That's AMAZING!!! Clark finally figured out to sit and crawl last month...he was 10 months old!!! A friend of mine said her girls were faster than her boys (she has identical boy twins and 3 girls), so I'm interested to see how fast Merrick picks up the idea of getting around on his own. Keep us posted!

Chelsea said...

She is so cute her little hands just plop-plop-plop right along! We miss you guys here at home!

Anonymous said...

You're in trouble now! :) Those mommy eyes in the back of your head will be put to the test!

Jenny said...

woah! she's really getting around now!