One of the really fun reasons to be in Louisiana on New Years Eve, is that you can play with fire... fireworks!
And that is what we did.
We first went to "Big Dan's" which is basically a firework Costco. It is Tyson's favorite store. We were sad he wasn't here to go inside and pick the selection for this year.

(These pictures don't do the place justice. It is huge!)My mom made homemade Chinese food. Yum!
I made some desserts. Yum!
Then Chris and Matthew lit up the night sky.
Matthew, all Lord of the Flies, jumping over the fountain.
Berkleigh the scaredy cat, stayed in the house with grandma, and watched out the window.
I got to wish Tyson "Happy New Year". Once when it was 10 in California and midnight in Louisiana, and again at midnight in California and 2am in Louisiana. Awesome!
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