Thursday, December 13

Fun with the Po Pos!!!

When we were first married and lived in Provo, we had some great friends named Jason and Lisa Polson. (We call them the Po Pos.) :) Well they moved to Southern California, and we moved to Northern California, and we see each other when we can. Well, we have been blessed with their presence a lot this month...

Here are some of our adventures!

South Coast Plaza and Irvine Spectrum
The triplets... or so everyone thinks when we are together.
They did not know what to do with this Tickle Me Elmo Xtreme! It was psycho.
Who wouldn't love this face?
Doesn't Lisa look like she is having a BLAST?
Long Beach Aquarium

I think it wanted to eat Merrick.
We fed these cute birds... but i know about birds! They poop! I have learned my lesson, that is why you don't see me in any of these pictures... I was trying to steer clear of their back ends.

3 love notes:

Jenny said...

It's always nice to have a stroller brigade wherever you go. Did you guys ever meet up with the Wattles?

Brianna and Tyson Smith said...

Merrick has the cutest baby smile I have ever seen! Look at those dimples!

ecuakim said...

Merrick is so darling! He takes after his mama! Isn't so fun to just watch them grow???