We had a BBQ with our friends, Chris and Jenny, her sister, brother in law, and baby Carson. Jenny's brother in law was in our freshman ward a BYU. It is such a small world when you are mormon. It was fun to meet Alison and Carson, and fun to see Rick again after 9 years. Crazy! We also had another friend from our freshman BYU ward come down from Sacramento, Ben Rowe. He is hilarious. It was fun to reminise about the good ol' days. We probably had the best freshman ward around. We were really a united group of people. Here are some pictures from Freshman year, and then some pictures of us at our BBQ last night.
Oh... and check out the delicious dessert I made.. Yea you can call me Martha Stewart. :)


From the top.

ME, Tys, Rick, Ben (the guy who duct taped me while I was studying.

Bowling as a freshman.

See me staring at Tyson. Love was in the air! Tyson broke his leg snowboarding that year. That put a damper on our Cha Cha dance final.

Me and Tys at a mens gymnastics meet. Byu was great. It was fun to see old friends!
7 love notes:
Hey Jen, great blog and cute kids! It's funny to see you all bundled up at the beach in August, but that's the Bay Area for you. I really don't miss those cold damp summer days... except when we're in the middle of a heat wave in Utah.
love ya,
Ahh freshman year... that was SOO FUN! Did I tell you I ran into Naman a couple months ago? He was just about to move to some state back east. How are Rick and Ben? I love Tyson's chipmunk cheeks in the last pic. The good old pre-mish wisdom teeth removal.
My mom has been in town and is going home tonight. I'll give you a call in the next couple days!
Love your triffle! Go Martha! It sounds like a great freshman ward reunion. Jen, you look great! Did you get your haircut? It really looks nice. I bet everyone was excited to see you guys and your new family. So great!
Michelle, way to go on the wisdom teeth. How do you remember that... is your memory becoming psycho like your dear friend Jen's ;)
you guys look so little in that last one! Thanks for bringing that yummy dessert, I will bring you your bowl tomorrow once the craziness is over. I can't guarantee the dessert will be in it though...
I think you look so cute Jen. That's awesome to see the beginning stages of you ant Tyson ( and the wisdom teeth...hehe)
Hey Jenn! I'm so glad you found me on the blog. I have had so much fun catching up on yours and finding other people I know. I didn't know that Cameron Scott was your bro-in-law! I went to Institute with him here. He's awesome. I can't believe you have twins! They're adorable. Russell's cousin has identical girls. Their blog is on our page (Barlowing Blog) so you can see how other people are getting along with two!It'll be fun keeping up with you now. Thanks for dropping me a line!
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