Friday, December 20

Elf and Christmas Jammies

We headed to California for Thanksgiving, and by the time we got home, unpacked, got out Christmas, our Elf was a couple days late getting to our house. He did something tricky... he came while the kids were at school! He brought us pjs and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer movie which HE FORGOT HE BROUGHT LAST CHRISTMAS... 
Elf wasn't in the right state of mind.

Scott Family Christmas PJs 2013

Elf then brought Trader Joes peppermint joe joes and ate them! So he hid another box in the dry with a scavenger hunt note.

Finntree is up to his usual shenanigans, however, more than ever, we find him in the same place, or in the same room, just two feet to the left. Lazy elf. :)

1 love notes:

RaeAnn said...

Wow mom and Dad even got pajamas this year!!! Awesome!!!