Sunday, March 17


 In Huntington Beach, I sat outside with the twins everday. We were never inside. We were always dirty, exploring, playing and running around in the sunshine... because it is sunny and warm 320 days a year.
Wow! What a difference Oregon is. 
We are inside so much because it is raining or freezing cold 300 days of the year.
I believe this was Quincy's first time outside playing for hours.
She even got a little sunburn I noticed during bathtime.

We sat outside on our driveway for probably 45 minutes, the whole time I was texting my friend Rachel about how amazing the weather was. We ended up deciding that the best thing to do would be to sit outside together. So Quincy and I ran over to our friends house to read trashy magazines from Tyson's office and let our little tiny kids play.

Before we left we enjoyed some frozen gogurts for lunch.

And picked flowers.

 Spring is such a tease, isn't it? 
So many amazing days and then some crazy rainy days...

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