Monday, November 7

37 Weeks

I am 37 weeks today, and 4 1/2 years ago, I would have two brand new babies and my world would be rocked. The twins were born at 36 weeks 6 days.

I am really treasuring this in utero time, even though my back feels like it will break. I love feeling Baby _ _ _ _ _ _ kick. She is active, and it scares me a bit to know what her personality will be like once she makes her appearance.

Baby _ _ _ _ _ _ 's due date is November 28th, but I get to have her on November 21st.
We have 14 days left! Really, I don't know where the time goes...
We are really excited, but then I feel a little sad at the same time that our family will change. I know for the better, and I really can't wait for her to come and join us, but we have been really comfortable in our little family of four... for way to long. Berkleigh prays every night that when Baby _ _ _ _ _ _ comes that we can all still be in a family. We have talked about it LOTS but I think she thinks that she will be replaced. Not gonna happen kiddo.

We went on a little adventure on Sunday. It seems that Sunday is always the most beautiful day of the week. No rain and the sun out, but we try and keep Sunday special.

We decided on a new park in a tiny town outside of Salem called Independence.
It kinda just turned into a photo shoot cause it was really to cold to play.

Tyson loves the Willamete River. It winds and flows through Salem and up to Portland, and everywhere else. We cross it all the time when we are driving.

Merrick and Berkleigh do love Baby _ _ _ _ _ _, she performs for them constantly! Always rollin' and a movin'. They love it.

We love our family, and we really can't wait for Baby _ _ _ _ _ _ to join us on the 21st!
We will feel more complete!

10 love notes:

Tiffany said...

I remember feeling that way when I had Max, I just couldn't understand how it was all going to change. I was worried that I couldn't love another boy as much as I loved my first. Of course you got to start your family with two right off so you know you can love two the same. In a few weeks you will look at your family and wonder how you ever felt like a family without your new little girl. Good luck!

Maren B said...

Woohoo! I'm excited for you! Good luck with your last two weeks of pregnancy (and beyond).

Laura said...

i had the same feelings of being a little sad..we were at a very comfortable place. i would feel sad, and then guilty for feeling sad. things will change, days will be a different kind of busy, but you will feel more love, and your kids are going to adore that baby girl.

Emily C said...

your hair is so long and pretty! enjoy the last couple weeks as family of 4. :-)

RaeAnn said...

You look so pretty and your family looks so cute together!!! I can't wait to come and share this time with you.
Love ya!!!

RaeAnn said...

You look sooo cute that I have to come to your blog again this morning to see you and ------!!!!
Love ya!!!

Sheryl said...

Kinda makes me teary to read about adding another (in a good overwhelming exciting apprehensive kind of way). Good-luck, we know she'll be darling and that you will all love her so much. I love having one boy and two girls.

Sheryl said...

...and you look so beautiful!

Megan said...

Oh Jen! Your post brings up so many emotions for me! Yes, it does feel strange to think of the family changing. It is such a good thing, and yet it is change and that can be hard.
How wonderful that you took the time to take these family pictures. You will treasure them after your new little one comes--and yet maybe they'll feel incomplete. Isn't it funny how life goes.
You do look radiant. We are all so excited for your little one and the new adventure ahead. We will be praying for you on the 21st. Oh how REAL to have a date. Yikes!
Lastly, how sweet to think of Berkleigh saying her prayers for her new little sibling. Merrick and Berkleigh will be great older siblings. Yeah for the Scotts!

The Birds said...

Jen, you look adoreable! Can't wait to see baby girl!