My kids have been exposed to A LOT of Gummi Bears lately...
and not just the ones you eat either.
and not just the ones you eat either.
*In their favorite movie right now {Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs},
this little character destroys gummi bears...

*And someone gave us a bottle of those Costco kid vitamins that look like gummi bears
(who knows if they are actually good for you!)

The other night when Tyson was putting the kids to bed, he asked Berkleigh what song she wanted to sing, and she said, "The Gummi Bear song". I leaned a little closer to the door to listen to what kind of crazy song Tyson would make up for her...
I died laughing when this is what came out of his mouth.
And he didn't miss one word. How cool is my husband?
Now my son and daughter, born in 2007, can be heard singing this song, invented in 1986. :)
9 love notes:
Oh my gosh....we have Seasons 1,2,3 of this and my kids DIE over it. We busted it out for the 14 hour car ride to Washington and I swear they were quiet for 8 of those hours thanks to this show. hooray for old tv and we often bust out in the theme song.
i loved that show! definitely couldn't recite the theme song word for word though. thats impressive tyson!
that is hilarious. man, i forgot all about that show. now that song is going to be stuck in my head all day.
That is hilarious! A guy I work with (who is 29) apparently loved that show as a kid, he sings the theme song all the time! I have to admit, I don't remember ever watching it.
Ask Kenzie how much we used to sing this and watch the show. I still remember making our own "Gummi Bear Juice" out of Tyson's old paintball canisters. Oh the memories...
I am DYING right now!!!! :) yes, i believe brianna and i helped tyson learn the theme song by watching it as kids for hours. and having him babysit us or something. or actually come to think of it, i think he just enjoyed this show as much as we did.
brianna! i TOTES remember making gummi bear juice with you. best times of MY LIFE! such a great show. p.s. we own all the action figures too
thank you jen- i have been thoroughly entertained by this post. keep 'em coming ;)
That IS awesome!!! I forgot all about that it.
I wanted to win that Hello sign!!! Your'e so lucky!
Hilarious!! Kody is never one to check blogs (of course) but I made him read this with me, we were both cracking up picturing Tyson singing. What a great dad, I love it! And I miss those Gummi Bears... I told Kod he better prep so that he can sing it to our kids one day :)
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