I wanted to do it 100% different from last time.
Here are some differences from Round 1 and 2...
Round 1: I didn't prep them. We just started on some random Monday.
Round 2: We had a Potty Party, and have been discussing the throne in all its glory since round 1.
We had streamers, balloons, paper goods...
We had presents and pull ups...
Round 1: I went to the dollar store THE day we were to start. Picked out things, but they knew what they were and wanted them right then. Picked out their underwear, but then they were scared cause they figured out what we were doing.
Round 2: I had all the toys already, and we had been talking about how we can't play with them until we go on the potty! I also wrapped all the underwear they peed through the first time and had been washed. They thought they were all new underwear. It was funny!
We had a huge "taking off our diaper and putting on a big kid undies" ceremony.
Round 1: Not really! I had friends over and was leaving to go places. I hadn't bought pull ups yet. I was not into it myself, therefore neither were my kids. I kept forgetting to tell them to try. I was not in it wholeheartedly!
Round 2: I am not buying anymore diapers, and I don't have a couple to fall back on! It is now! Tyson brought home this amazing surgical mat (it goes over a patient in surgery) and it repells everything. It sits in our living room, they sit on it, and there has been an accident on it, but it is like water on a ducks back.
We have these books that my mom sent the twins.
There is a cute story, amazing pictures, and then a crown (B) and a pirate hat (M) to put stickers on. They love them. I love them.
Here are a couple of my favorite pages...
The words are the best!
Gentle forest creatures? Really? I love it!
We have pull ups. We have LOTS of juice. Things like this happen right now at our house.
We have had 6 pees and 2 poos in the toilet and only 2 accidents! I think we are on the right track!
10 love notes:
woo hoo!! those little books look so cute!! Good luck in the coming days/weeks. I'm sure they'll do great!!
ooh good luck! we had 2 tries at the potty training as well. the sticker chart was what finally worked for Kate.
Good luck! When I was potty training tallon, someone told me that nothing is too silly to ask God, so there were a lot of prayers that included "please help tal tal to go pee pees and poo poos in the potty..."
Oh Jen... Potty training is the WORST, but I am not at all surprised you seemed to come up with a way to make it fun and cute. Good Luck!
The surgical drape is cracking me up. I had a hard time doing one at a time I can't imagine two...good thing you're so creative!
I love how Merrick is eyeing his pirate undies. It sounds like you have an awesome plan and won't even need a "good luck" this time!
They sound like they are doing great! We still can't get over how much we love the sound of Turner going in the potty- i t has been like 8 months!
Fabulous post.
I love this!! I used (mostly) a 3-day potty program that helped Bria train both day and night. I can email it to you if you want dkeaquinto@yahoo.com. I also didn't realize how ready I needed to be. Sofia (21 months) keeps saying "Poo-poo potty!" I'm not close to being ready for her to train so we will wait! Good luck!
that looks awesome can you potty train me too?? i will learn all over again!
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