I found a mouse called Berkleigh eating our cheese.
And then the bread.
She could be French with how much cheese and bread she consumes.
This is Berkleigh's incognito hiding place when I pronounce nap time. I seem to find her everytime though.
Merrick is such a climber, but it gets him in trouble every so often.

But look how proud he is of his accomplishments.

14 love notes:
Love it! Elle also consumes SO MUCH bread and cheese - definitely her favorites. Funny. I'm going to email you soon. We're going to be in your area in April and I have some questions and maybe we could meet up! :)
i'm happy to hear your kids don't happily run right into their rooms when you announce it's nap time, thats kind of what i pictured :)
OK Berkleigh seems like a little character! They are both so big and I think they are going to be scared of me when I run and kiss their little cheeks off and they dont even know who I am anymore :( Oh well, they will just have to endure :) Too cute!!!
poor Merrick stuck in the bed! haha- Love the cheese block, can she get in the fridge? We have a lock on ours!
let's do dland next week- how about Monday?
too funny,Ryan has a head like that too, it will get you stuck in the worse places!!
I was laughing out loud at all these pictures and I love the "McDreamy" shirt.
If only all mice were so cute and could take such big bites...
oh my goodness merrick looks huge!! its crazy im so glad you guys live close and i can watch them grow. (your fav sis in law that lives in cali) brooke
McDreamy is just that.
At least she finds something that is supposed to be eaten... we're still working on that.
Totally stole it from nienie. i'm not creative, i'm a copycat and proud of it sista.
Mmmmm, orange cheese. It's a favorite at our house too!
You have such beautiful children!
Merrick is so Mcdreamy in that picture I love his dimples! I was seriously laughing out loud at this post.
Holy Cow! I'm glad Merrick didn't choke to death! Climbing boys do a lot for your blood pressure, huh?
I LOVE that when he got his head stuck, that you first grabbed the camera to document the situation!
You truly are a dedicated blogger. Those types of photos are perfect for his future wedding video. :)
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