Making 1 million sugar cookies.

a few of the best sugar cookies made by me and the brooke.

Rockband. I even have a pained look on my face from my own singing.

On Christmas Eve we go to the Thackers for some fun festivities. We eat, we do Christmas carols with chimes, we act out the nativity, and Santa comes to visit...
My sis in law Megan made all the costumes. She did such a great job. This is Berkleigh, the angel, giving Mary baby Jesus.
I have more pictures, but I don't know where they went. Christmas blogging just won't end. ;)
6 love notes:
that santa sugar cookie is pretty impressive!! you've got some serious skills! how cute is berkleigh dressed up as an angel? i had a few faces like that while singing rock band over christmas too...those songs are kind of hard!
Too cute! Oh man, do I sympathize with you on the "glorified karaoke." It is terrible AND hard!
Too cute! Oh man, do I sympathize with you on the "glorified karaoke." It is terrible AND hard!
Berkleigh is such a cute angel. I love the kids' matching dressy-wear on the side board!
Looks likes a fun Christmas! Where have you been? Dland should be slowing down soon, wanna go?
The picture of your 3-D star sugar cookie just doesn't do it justice!!
We should have gotten a close up of it, it was amazing!!!
Love you!!
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