Saturday, February 2

Snow, Missionaries, and Cousins!

So I vowed to myself that I would never fly alone again with the twins. Well, I broke that vow... but it was well worth it. I went to Utah with the twins to see my brother one last time before he entered the MTC. The twins had lots of fun with Uncle Matthew!

Here is a timeline of our events:
1. Fly to Utah meet up with Mom, Dad, and Matthew

2. Drive to Manti to see Great Gma and Gpa Sorensen.

3. Hang with the G Gparents, Gparents and Matthew. (Feed the chickens, play in the snow etc.)

4. Go bowling at the OLDEST and MOST GHETTO bowling alley ever!

You had to keep score yourself... AND it used to project onto whiteboards from an overhead projector. That would have been cool to see, but it was broken too.

5. Drive to Provo, eat at Cafe Rio (Yum!)

6. Take Matthew to MTC

7. Go hang at BYU

8. Go see David, Megan and Cousins

9. Fly home where it is warm!

10. Jenny picks us up from the airport, and we fit three carseats in the back of her Honda!
Way to go us!

It was a great trip. We are so proud of Matthew. We feel really blessed to have Aunts and Uncles who are such great examples to our kids. Thanks guys!

8 love notes:

Amy said...

awww fun trip, and you are a brave Mom! How do you hold them both on the plane? Love that picture of Merrick smiling next to the banister, and WOW that was a really old bowling place!!

Jenny said...

they all looked so cute in the backseat together! i'm glad you got a picture. utah looks cooold.

Emily said...

What a brave brave women you are!! I love M's hat, too cute!! Do you have to buy a ticket for one of them? I sure don't miss the snow!! I can't believe Matthew is a missoinary, I remember when he was young enough to have sleep overs with girls!! Your family looks great!

Chelsea said...

You are SO brave to take both kids! Im so glad you got to see your brother off. That bowling alley was by far the oldest I have seen! We're glad to have you back!

Jess said...

I am always so anxious before I fly alone with the kids, but it usually turns out ok. I LOVE Merrick's bike hoodie- where did you find that? Also love Berkleigh's reaction to the snow!

ecuakim said...

You are a BRAVE BRAVE mommy!!! I cannot believe you flew with them by yourself! I also CANNOT believe that Matthew is in the MTC!!!! I feel old!

Unknown said...


Great to see your blog. Looks like you are doing well.

Nate Herlean

Tiffany said...

What a fun trip. It is so fun to hang out with family. Your kids are going to be around 3 when he gets back! That is crazy!