Friday, October 19

Video Friday

You gotta change it up a bit every now and then...

Kung Fu Twins with the help of Tys and Kenz.

You can always tell its naptime, can't you?

Our DVDs will never be the same... and Berkleigh you aren't going to get anything out of that bottle!

Skating with Dad.

6 love notes:

Jenny said...

there is no poll this time but the skating one is my faaavorite. i saw it awhile ago on the scott family blog. the sumo wrestling was a close tie.

Anonymous said...

That was awesome!!!!! Kung Foo Babies was so dramatic. In my head I heard Chinese men with the "high ya" and "huwa" I love Video Friday!

Chelsea said...

The Kung Foo Fighting was my favorite! Cami was a little worried watching it. She would say Oh-Baby Merrick, Oh Baby Berkliegh! I was dying laughing!

mamaroosh said...

I'm so glad we got to catch up a little today. I loved the videos! They just seem to have the cutest personalities and be such happy babies.

Maren B said...

Hey Jen--did Michelle forward our blog? I'm glad you wrote, and yes, I remember you! I can't believe your twins are so old. Now that i have just ONE, I know that you must be superwoman. Mad props to yo bad self.

Kristyn said...

Jen, I love the song playing in the background of the kung foo. "In the heart of Texas!..."