We checked out the Elephant room on 6th street for some live jazz,

Cameron and I went biking on the Barton Creek Greenbelt, we swam in the river, jumped cliffs and tried to float it

I tried to show off and ended up in the river

Us at the river notice who is wet and who is dry

Us after the ride it was a blast and we have the cuts an bruises to prove it

Us at the bat festival it was crowded and the bats got scared and didn't really some out

Cameron with the batmobile it was cool how they shined the bat sign on the building, it was a fun night

Me with the bat car my face is a mixture of excitment and fear...of the bats...and the joker
6 love notes:
Glad you had fun. We miss you.
You guys are so cute. Sorry you had a spill on the bike, Tys.
Cameron, I can;t believe how many festivals there are in Austin. The Bat, the Flog, the...happy to be an Austionian? Wow. What a party city!
I'm so proud of my brothers. Look how amazing you are ( and outdoorsie) Love you guys- it's fun to see the pictures of you playing together!
Holy Cow! You're doing a clerkship in Temple??? We attended the Temple Ward when we lived in Belton, TX, for two years! Let me know if you run into any of our friends: The Hatten Family, the Hattaway Family, the Gillespie Family, The Partridge Family...just kidding on that last one! Anyway, have fun. I loved Temple, Texas!!!
Hey Tyson, I love seeing all these pics of what you're up to! Looks like you are having fun... and looks like Cameron has become a true texan! Oh yeah, he's got the texas pride in his eyes (and on his shirt) good luck with the clerkship!
Where did you get those little seats that your cuties sit in when they eat? I can't remember what they're called...elephant seats or something like that?
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