Christmas was so fun and SO long...
Let me explain.
We left for our Christmas adventures on Sunday the 19th. We went to the Scotts for an early Christmas before we left for Louisiana.
The twins got a teepee (legit from grandparents trip to Alaska), and backpacks filled with TONS of presents for the long plane ride!
Tyson got the Flip video camera, and I got a Kindle! We are excited to use our fun new toys!
On the 20th, we headed to the airport for a LONG day of traveling. M & B were so excited to fly in a plane! This is the first plane ride that I think they can actually remember!
We went to a way fun White Elephant Gift Party with yummy food and fun people!
I took pictures at the party with my new christmas present, but I can't get them off it because I don't have service in good ol' Louisiana.
(Are you curious?.. read further and you will find out what it is.)Here is the awesome white elephant gift I got... the candle not the guy.
We had family friends over for Christmas Eve and acted out the Nativity, read Christmas books, played games, and opened Christmas pajamas grandma made.
Christmas morning with our little family, Uncle Matthew and Chris, Aunt Jen, and grandma and grandpa.
Getting ready to peek...
Looking at Santa presents and reading the letter Santa wrote back.
Checking out our stockings.
And there is my present...Tyson had an iPhone unlocked for me, so I finally have a new phone, that keeps a charge for longer than 6 hours, doesn't have a cracked screen, and we still have our great plan for cheap without having to pay the data plan, and we are out of contact! I love it!
The twins were so funny. We had them open all their presents up first or we would never get to see what anyone else got! They were so animated and happy. We loved every minute of it.
Some highlights...
My friend Ginger and I made these for our kids. They are library bags. In the bags I put a new book, and now we can take them to the library and they can carry their own books!
My mom made Berkleigh this AMAZING Olivia quilt! She pieced it and quilted it in 4 days. Seriously? Who is that woman?
When Berkleigh opened it, she freaked out and grabbed it and started rolling around in it!
Santa brought lots of dress ups!
Berkleigh wanted pretty dresses so my mom and I made Princess and the Frog dress, Minnie Mouse dress, and a Cinderella dress! I saw these skirts at Disneyland, and I loved them because they are easy for B to get on and off herself, and they don't SCREAM Disney Princess like the ones at Disneyland.
Tyson got what he wanted...fireworks and firearms.
Tyson surprised me with so many things that I wanted that I didn't think he knew about...
the 50 mm lens and the fish eye lens for my camera!
It was great to spend time with Jen, Chris, Grandma, Grandpa, and Matthew!