While we were there Tyson got called into the hospital, so we left early.
Hey, that's ok, we still had fun!
We went home, and read this book. It is one of my all time favorites.

The park brought in SNOW from the mountain to build snowmen in, sled in, and have snowball fights in.
The advertisements for it looked amazing. I am picturing a WINTER WONDERLAND, no people (because no one is ever at the park), and fun!
Did I mention it was FREE?
What could be better?
So we pack up and leave. Can I just tell you that EVERY Southern California resident had the same idea. They came in hordes of over dressed (dare I say, heat exhausted) children and adults outfitted in snow get up for a blizzard. I mean, we are talkin' moon boots, ski bibs, and mittens.
They had toboggans, sleds, and cameras.
We waited in line to get into the park for 30 minutes.
(Winter Wonderland still going through my head)
We walked at least a mile (before we realized they had a shuttle) from our car to the snow.
(Winter Wonderland still dancing in my mind)
We get to the SNOW. There are TWO small areas of snow. Both are hidden by a million people trying to make a snowman or go sledding. You couldn't even SEE the snow.
It was ridiculous.
The part of snow we could get on was muddy from melting and mixing with the dirt.
(The exact reason I hated living in Utah, melting, sloshing snow.)
We turned around and left.
On the walk back to the car, we saw a piece of snow.
Not every adventure can be LOADS of fun, but every adventure has memories, and this one definitely was MEMORABLE!