A couple weeks ago, my mom came to visit. We went to Fashion Island in Newport Beach for a fun filled day of shopping. On the way down the escalator. with the double stroller, the wheel got stuck between the stairs as they disappeared into the pavement. The ENTIRE escalator stopped and we had to drag the stroller off the frozen stairs.
These are the words that come out of my mouth, as my friend Kristy and I slide onto the downward stair well. We are laughing, and holding on to our little ones for dear life as they hang and slide to the story below.
It is time to get off the escalator, and my wheel gets stuck. You might think, Didn't you learn your lesson? Well, yes I did! In fact while repeating the story, I make a conscious effort to move my back wheels forward on the stair to ensure that we would not be stuck in the same predicament. As I pushed my stroller forward, my front swiveling wheels swivel....
The time is now, my stairs get smaller as the melt away, and I push the stroller onto solid ground, but it will NOT budge. My feet are still moving forward, but I can't go anywhere.
I fumble to step backwards on disappearing stairs, while trying to push the double wide off the escalator. Have you ever tried to move backwards and push forwards at the same time?
It doesn't pay.
I suddenly felt someone nudge me from behind. OF COURSE it was my friend Kristy and Dallin, the 6 month old champ who had my caboose in his face while his stroller kept moving down the escalator and between my legs. I looked down, and there was the front wheel, some feet, and then a snack tray. Before I know it, I am sitting on my friend's BOB and baby!
Laughter created "weak mom's symdrome" which kept either of us from pushing the stroller out of the way. Finally after all the pressure from being pushed down the moving staircase finally wedged the stroller off the escalator and to safety.
I can assure you this is a true story. I can assure you that Kristy and I laughed HARD the whole way home. I can assure you that people around us had a better day than it started out because they saw a pile up of moms, babies, and strollers.
Was this incident the final straw in my escalator riding days with a double wide stroller?
No... who wants to really find the Elevator? I will get back on the horse, and ride again. Who knows, maybe one day you will pass me at a mall, and I promise I won't disappoint if you follow me to the escalator.