Ok...died laughing at so many of these memories!
Here are the pictures I could scrouge up. I am pretty impressed with myself!
JENNY: (friend from Walnut Creek, CA) -"A couple favorites (these are pretty random)...hearing about funny things you would say to people like, "your diet's not working" or when you got out of your car and mad dogged those kids that were throwing rocks...when we went visiting teaching and you thought i was crying but really i just had eye boogers...when we went shopping during the priesthood session and tried on those huge bellies in mimi maternity...that shopping trip to laurens closet when everything was closed and we got super lost."

This picture was taken the day EVERY store was closed that we wanted to go to on our shopping excursion.

On of my favorite memories!
The eye boogers about killed me! i totally thought you were crying.
I have a picture of us at Mimi Maternity with the bellies on, but it is on my phone and I don't know how to get it off!
-"Young Women Summer Camp!!!!! and the Merrie Miss Activities."
Sorry Allison! All these pictures are still at my parents house!
EMILY: (friend from Austin, TX) -Your 16th birthday party.

-"I have a really good one getting stuck in the mud on our 4th year hike!!! That was a ton of fun and i think i might have peed my pants!!!"
Ok, this memory needs explaining! we went on our 4th year hike for girls camp. This is the hike of all hikes. It was overnight, and we had to pack one of those crazy backpacks. Emily decided to wear KEDS. She got blisters. We got to our camping spot, and pitched our tent. Emily and I shared. My dinner leaked. My pillow smelled like hotdogs. Didn't bring blankets. We were in Texas! Who would need blankets? We froze that night. Emily brushing her teeth. Super funny. Toothpaste running down her arm. Dripping off her elbow. Decide to cool off the next day by going swimming. Decide to go "off the beaten path." Emily decides (for the both of us) to jump this river. "Its not very deep," she says. She jumps. Sinks into mud. Up to her knees. Can't get out. I am laughing so hard. It smelled nasty. Couldn't get her out. Then ants in the mud, under the water, started stinging her. SO FUNNY!

DAVE: (Tyson's room mate at BYU)
-"Chillin' in the MTC together on the 4th.

-Watching Tyson ramp off a jump on his skateboard onto the pile of trash and debris on the side of the house.

-Throwing rocks through the windows of those houses that were torn down to make the apartment complex."

Some of his memories we will not comment on. :) But here is Tyson and I on top of the debris that Dave talks about.
"How about turning everything in Kim & Liz's apartment livingroom upside down?!"

CHELSEA: (friend from Walnut Creek, CA) -"OK my I have lots of great memories with you guys but I will never forget Tyson at the garage sale. He was hilarious! "We'll give it to you for a dolla"!" (That made me so mad!)
-One of my favorite memories with you is singing "the wheels on the bus" to Cami on our walk from hell. I still cant believe we tried to do that AND went back and did it AGAIN!
-I also loved the theme parties we would have and the awesome theme treats you would bring to them... a few that come to mind are your spider cupcakes, those cute green slush drinks, and the football cake!"

Our first and last date night without the kidlets.

Making gingerbread houses at the Carvers. Jenny and I were preggers.
SHERYL: (friend from BYU, and wife of Tyson's mission companion) -"Walking up and down Nob Hill and all over San Francisco while Ian was at a conference. I still crave Tostitos with a hind of lime tortilla chips (not to mention the strawberries). You guys rock to take me all over the place, none of us got any sleep that weekend."

I couldn't find our pictures ANYWHERE of that wonderful weekend!
Until I found this bad boy!
DANA: (practically my room mate at BYU) -"walking across BYU with you having the "Arizona is better than Texas" fight, and finding out the interesting fact that Texas has a lower "non-reading" rate. Priceless!

-you coming down to our Room in DT all through the year with your projects from school. Your amazing kindergarten activities and your crazy art things for Humanities.
-our wild ward mudfight!!

-helping steal Jerusha's scriptures so someone could ask her to a dance, and having her come home and pray for them!"
AMY: (friend from Walnut Creek, CA and now from Orange County) - "I loved spending the day with you and hitting up Sprinkles (it's about time to go again right?!) and just chatting about life!"

SUSAN: (my cute sister in laws cute mother)
-"I met you 2 years ago, right before Chris & Jennifer got married and I was just amazed and touched by the video you put together...priceless!"

-"I don't think our family was very functional, we almost never had fhe, i remember we did once and we went ice blocking down some hill."

-"When we went to the San Diego Zoo when we were both like 7 months prego and we walked up that huge hill."

LIZ F: (friend from Walnut Creek) -"How awesome you looked coming to church right after having twins!!!!! you rock at having babies and looking great!"
JACKIE: (friend I met one time, but is totally nice, and would love to keep in touch with her!) -"The first time I met you...I though man, who is this wonder woman? She looks FABILOUS (after the twins), appears to have it all together (through much observation I have found that to be totaly true) and has two adorable twins!"

These pics don't have Jackie in them, but they were taken the day I met her when we spent at least 4 hours in a furniture store with Megan and LOTS of babies picking out furniture. :)