I remember the day vividly... we were having our friends over for BBQ, a game a Settlers, and then we would watch the fireworks on the 4th of July. They had just moved into the ward. Before they came over, Tyson and I had found out we were pregnant, and went to Barnes and Nobles to find some books. (We were a little excited!) Well our friends came over, and turns out they were pregnant too. It was funny though, because we didn't tell each other until a couple weeks later. We were sitting in church (totally paying attention) and Chris said to Tyson, "Jenny is pregnant!" and Tyson said, "So is Jen!" It was a funny moment, and it was also really fun to go through my pregnancy with someone else.
We always had conversations like, "Uh, I have major eye boogers, do you?" and we did fun things like go out to eat the prego pizza that is supposed to put you in labor. We had fun!
Well, we weren't the only ones in our church that decided having babies was the fad in 2007. Jenny and I were the trend setters, and many followed. Our bishop (leader of our church) thought it would be fun to take a picture of the babies born in 2007 in our church. There were 12 babies born and 11 mothers! I think that is pretty incredible. Not really for mormons, they always have lots of babies, but for Northern California I think that it a ton.
Here are the pictures we took on Sunday with our bishop. Aren't they darling!