Thursday, October 18


Its raining, its pouring, the 8 month old is snoring. I am not really a light sleeper, but I sure can hear my loved ones snore. Berkleigh definately got snoring from her dad, or my dad... Oh, I don't know, but in the middle of the night, I was awoken by this beautiful little sound. Enjoy...


7 love notes:

Chelsea said...

too cute! I love it, that is the softest, sweetest, little snore ever!

Jenny said...

oh my gosh you are hilarious. i was worried berkleigh was making some sick old man noise but that is not even a snore, it is a cute little baby sleeping noise! have i mentioned i am so jealous they sleep through the night?

The Flying V said...

oh jen that is sooooo cute!!!! little baby snores for little babies!!!! i can't believe how big they are. i can't wait till december we get you guys home for a whole month! yeah!!

Megan said...

Love the snoring! I laughed so hard I drooled!

Alyson Thacker Kuhle said...

hey! I was looking at Kristyn's blog! Did you guess that after you knew where I was going???

JS said...

No... where are you going... Temple Square? what else did I say... I will have to check. I know I said temple square or somewhere in Europe... Where are you going?

liz said...

yay- thanks for your comment,m glad to peek at your blog. awesome photos btw.

hooray they sleep thru the night!