What a post I have for you.
We went to Big Bear with our friends:
Matt, Melody, Corbin; Emily; Autie, Max; Kristi, Rod, Jack; Kellie, Kevin; Becky, Ammon!
There were 17 people there and many raccoons, birds, and squirrels.
Here is a breakdown of the weekend...
Left HB at 1:30 Friday afternoon.
(We were supposed to leave at 11:45 am! Aren't we SO Mormon?)
We drove to the Live Oak Canyon Pumpkin Patch.

Pushing the twins around in their personal pumpkin buggy.
Ran around the patch looking at the animals, climbing the hay wall, and watching kids play on overpriced bounce houses shaped like pumpkins.
Picked pumpkins from the vine.
(I have never been to a patch where you actually pick it from the vine, and I was super excited. I am missing the Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Fest up north, but this was perfect!)

Took mass amounts of pictures.
(From left to right: Jack, Corbin, Berkleigh, & Merrick)
For just one dollar a day, you can feed these children.
Don't they look like those kids on the commercials.
Drive up the Big Bear to meet the husbands.
My friend Becky became Berkleigh's new best friend this weekend.
Stayed in this cozy cabin.
Played around.
Looked at nature.
(Merrick, Max, and Berkleigh)
Took a hike to the resort to take pictures.
Stayed up to late.
Watched Berkleigh love on this psycho bear at the cabin.
Went down Alpine Slides.

Getting ready. Look how ready Merrick is! Berkleigh liked it at first, but by the end her face did not look so happy.
Saturday night we were watching a movie when heard a noise outside! We all ran to the door and found raccoons in the trash can. Not a huge deal, when isn't there a raccoon in the trash can, know what I mean? So the girls went back to watch the movie but the boys decided to try and catch the raccoons. They made this crazy trap with twigs, branches and string.
It never worked, but while the guys were downstairs playing pool and ping pong, we sneaky girls, put the freaky bear in their trap. The guys freaked out. They thought they had caught a raccoon! To bad it had overalls and shoes on.
After the prank, the guys became obsessed with catching a raccoon. The lil' varmints actually tried to charge the door. Here they are, and this is what the girls were doing to get away from them if they got in the house.

From then on, the guys spent the majority of the time trying to catch small varmints. They caught a squirrel a couple times, but no raccoons.
We had such a fun time.
Thanks to the Wards!