Tuesday, October 14

I made this

and I love it!

(It is flannel, and has brown trim, and I quilted ever octagon. It is soft and Berkleigh apparently loves it too!)

I made this...
and I love it also.

I am really impressed with myself right now!

16 love notes:

Taylors said...

Very crafty! Love it!

Sheryl said...

I am impressed too. That blanket looks like it took a lot of time.

Amy said...

You crafty lady! Cute stuff!

Emily C said...

i'm pretty impressed right now too!! hehehe

i gotta come check out the bird mobile.

Matt and Melody Odell said...

The blanket and the mobile turned out so good! I am seriously impressed. I love the post about Berkeley at the beach, Matt and I were cracking up! And the new blog heading, so creative. You are officially the most creative crafty person I know, just glad to be one of your many friends.

Brianna and Tyson Smith said...

Jen you are so talented!!!!!! What a beautiful quilt and fun bird mobile! Good job!

April said...

Those things turned out SO awesome! That flannel is ADORABLE and I can't get over those cute birds! Nice work!

garcias said...

Jen, a couple of things, first how do you get so many people to comment on your blog. I never get any comments. :) Second you are doing well, but I expect this kind of crafty talent from you, since you have the mom that you have. I don't know, maybe you should be doing more to keep up with your mother. :) Just kidding. I am a complete failure compared to my mother. :)

RaeAnn said...

That flannel is so cool!!! Can you send me some? Our fabric store is stocking more cute flannel, which is great but it is not really "cool".

Jennifer has surpassed me long ago!!
If I am with her when she is choosing fabric, I just look at her and say OOOHHH! OK! But then whatever she makes turns out SUPER cute. I need a lesson in coolness!!
love you

RaeAnn said...

PS. Love the "Great Pumpkin"

Sally said...

That is great flannel. And most impressive, you get all this done with two 18 month old kids and a husband doing residency. Sheesh!

Emily said...

beautiful blanket--i love that fabric!!!

gregory said...

seriously, i can't agree more on how crafty you are!

didn't you guys move down to SoCal, like really close to us and D&C? what up peeps? we miss you.

Kristyn said...

I linked you on my blog today about gay marriage, just so you know. I thought your post was awesome. I can't tell you how much the whole issue has permeated my thoughts. But the up side is that it makes people truly take a stand on their religion, and either become stronger or weaker. I'm glad so many people have put on their blogs and other networking sites their positive stand on the issue. Way to go on your part Jen!

The Flying V said...

jen seriously you are so talented. i love the fabric and colors of berks blanket. and i LOVE the bird moble. it is the cutest thing iv ever seen. i really really like it, a lot;) where do you hang it? above the kids bed? dude i think that is so creative

tiff said...

I totally want that blanket. Do you work on contract?

Actually, what I'm super excited to see is the Halloween costumes that you come up with.....
I'm positive they're going to be AWESOME.