I kinda was hoping I would never be tagged!
4 jobs I've had:
1. El Arroyo... Hostess with the mostest
2. Cosmo's Corner... for like 2 seconds
3. Franklin Elementary School... kindergarten teacher
4. Bancroft Elementary School... 4th & 5th grade teacher
4 movies I can watch any time:
1. Pride and Prejudice ( with Colin Firth)
2. Any Harry Potter Movie
3. The Little Mermaid
4. North Shore (what are you FOB or JOJ... Fresh of the Boat or Just of the Jet)
4 places I have lived
1. Ponca City, OK
2. Austin, TX
3. Provo, UT
4. Walnut Creek, CA
4 TV shows I love:
1. The Office
2. 24
3. VH1's Fabulous LIfe of...
4. Top Chef
4 foods I love:
1. Mom's BBQ Texas Brisket
2. Parmsean Crusted Chicken
3. In n Out
4. Amy's Ice Cream
4 websites I visit daily
1. hotmail
2. blogs
3. Ticket to Ride website
4. ABC
4 favorite restaurants:
1. Shoreline Grill
2. PF Changs
3. In n Out
4. Olive Garden
4 places I'd rather be:
1. Hawaii
2. Lake Powell
3. Austin
4. Austrailia
4 of my favorite things to do:
1. hang out with Tyson (skateboarding, walking)
2. Shop with friends I haven't seen for awhile (Kim and Lisa.. Love you guys) ... or with friends I see all the time
3. play with my babies
4. float at Lake Powell
4 things I want at this moment:
1. twins to sleep ALL night long.
2. A Cafe Rio Salad
3. to lay at the beach
4. a Turkey Avacado Sandwich from Kneaders
4 people to tag:
1. Tyson
2. Kim
3. Michelle
4. Jerusha
Monday, July 30
Wednesday, July 25
While we were away...
we went to some great places. Pictures to come of Austin, Texas and Scottsdale, Arizona. (Mom and Brianna... if you are reading this... can you send those pictures!?? Thanks!)
So we went to Lake Powell with Tyson's family. It was a blast. We floated, wakeboarded, explored, ate yummy food, played games, took tons of pictures, and went to bed and got up with the sun. Lake Powell is so relaxing and it is so fun to be with family.
The twins finally got to meet Aunt Megan, and cousins Ethan, Nataleigh, and Jacob. We had so much fun!
Saturday, July 21
Harry Potter Fanatic
Brooke and I actually ..and finally.. buying the book.
Tyson and I with the claimed prize.
Brooke, Mackenzie, and I (They look pretty happy about being dragged to the freak show.)
The mob that wanted my book after I bought it.
So Harry Potter came out today... Saturday, July 21, 2007... Where was I at 10:00 pm last night, you ask? Well, I was outside of a Barnes and Nobles in Orange County wearing a geeky blue band waiting to get my last Harry Potter Book. It was INSANE! People were dressed up, screaming, and indepth conversations about the book. People went ballistic when the first book came out of the store. Yes... I am a Harry Potter Fanatic. I am not in denial. I am super sad that this is the last book, but totally excited to see what happens.
Thanks Mackenize, Brooke, and Tyson for coming with me. I dragged them to the party and they came willingly. (Probably to laugh at the freaks.) :)
Wednesday, July 18
Gettin' Around
Berkleigh is totally on the move. She sees what she wants and is starting to wiggle her way to that object. She isn't crawling, but she is getting the stance down and will seriously be crawling soon. Hopefully she won't crawl like me. I crawled with my bum in the air, my knees locked, my hands out for balance, and my head on the ground. I was always getting stuck under furniture and I had a bald spot from rubbing all my hair off. I walked super early because I realised my version of crawling wasn't getting me anywhere. We will keep you updated on the big day, but for now she will just wiggle till she gets what she wants and where she wants. :) Meanwhile, Merrick is taking the easy road. He will think about crawling after his nap.
Sunday, July 15
How Addicted to Blogging Are You?
80%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?
I am addicted to blogging! There is no denying it. Click on the picture and see how addicted you are, then comment and tell me I am not the only one that is 80% addicted to blogging! :)
Mingle2 - Online Dating
I am addicted to blogging! There is no denying it. Click on the picture and see how addicted you are, then comment and tell me I am not the only one that is 80% addicted to blogging! :)
Saturday, July 14
Our Fifth Wedding Anniversary!!
We have officially been married for 5 years! July 12, 2002 was the day! I can't believe it. I remember when we were first married and we went to our first married ward, we gawked at people who said they had been married for 5 years. I thought they were so old. Does that make us old?
So I pretty much really love Tyson. I am so happy to be married to him, to have twins, and to be going through school with Tyson. I am a pretty lucky girl! These 5 years have been awesome... .and I know it will just get better. Lookin forward to the next 5!
Happy anniversary Tyson.

We were in AZ for our anniversary. We went to the restaurant that Brianna works at called Olive and Ivy. It is such a nice place. We ate dinner which was fantastic, and then we were told by Brianna to try the Strawberry Shortcake. (Brianna makes it.) So we ordered dessert, but when it came out, the waiter brought three different kinds of gelato and Tyson and I were thinking... "Uh, we didn't order this." Then the waiter put this long black rectangular plate in front of us with all different kinds of truffles and jellies on it, and it said Happy Anniversary in white chocolate. Brianna thanks! It felt so cool to know someone in the kitchen. What a great surprise.
So I pretty much really love Tyson. I am so happy to be married to him, to have twins, and to be going through school with Tyson. I am a pretty lucky girl! These 5 years have been awesome... .and I know it will just get better. Lookin forward to the next 5!
Happy anniversary Tyson.

We were in AZ for our anniversary. We went to the restaurant that Brianna works at called Olive and Ivy. It is such a nice place. We ate dinner which was fantastic, and then we were told by Brianna to try the Strawberry Shortcake. (Brianna makes it.) So we ordered dessert, but when it came out, the waiter brought three different kinds of gelato and Tyson and I were thinking... "Uh, we didn't order this." Then the waiter put this long black rectangular plate in front of us with all different kinds of truffles and jellies on it, and it said Happy Anniversary in white chocolate. Brianna thanks! It felt so cool to know someone in the kitchen. What a great surprise.
Thursday, July 12
Our Month Away
It has been awhile since we have posted anything! We have been running all over the US and we are all sick of living out of suitcases! We have loved our time in AZ, CA, TX, and LA! Thanks to everyone who has put up with us. More pictures of our adventures when we get home to our computer!
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