Brooke and I actually ..and finally.. buying the book.
Tyson and I with the claimed prize.
Brooke, Mackenzie, and I (They look pretty happy about being dragged to the freak show.)
The mob that wanted my book after I bought it.
So Harry Potter came out today... Saturday, July 21, 2007... Where was I at 10:00 pm last night, you ask? Well, I was outside of a Barnes and Nobles in Orange County wearing a geeky blue band waiting to get my last Harry Potter Book. It was INSANE! People were dressed up, screaming, and indepth conversations about the book. People went ballistic when the first book came out of the store. Yes... I am a Harry Potter Fanatic. I am not in denial. I am super sad that this is the last book, but totally excited to see what happens.
Thanks Mackenize, Brooke, and Tyson for coming with me. I dragged them to the party and they came willingly. (Probably to laugh at the freaks.) :)
7 love notes:
I hate this picture of me I had a straw in my mouth and they wouldn't let me take it out, it looks like I have no teeth.
TYSON := those are the straws
haha you guys are awesome! hehe- have fun reading the book Jen!
Harry Potter is YOUR age, and I'm really jealous. He's been my age all along (roughly) but this book revealed that he was in fact born in 1980. Anyway, I realized I'm still as much of a Harry Potter nerd as I ever was, I couldn't manage to hold the book without reading it...despite my mother's request that I wait until we got back to the house (we bought it at Wal-Mart, lame, right? But we were on vacation). I'm done, I'd like to talk about it, when you have the chance...
haha we're in AZ and we left our camera at home so we can't post much right now. we come back tonight though so maybe soon. i started #6 here and i'm about halfway through so i don't know what happens yet in #7--don't tell me!
Jennifer... Love to talk to you about it.. but I am only half way through. Hopefully I will be done with it by the time I get back.
Jenny, I am glad you are reading #6... yea. Have fun in AZ see ya in a couple days.
Me too!! I'm so sad it's over but the whole book was amazing! Do you think she'll write something else now?!
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