Monday, May 27

Tulip Fest

We joined my cousin and his family at the Tulip Fest in Woodburn a couple weeks ago.
It was a gorgeous day, and sunburned we all got.
I think Oregonians have more sunburns, because you forget to put it on! 
It is like, "Hey, the sun is shining, put on your skimpiest outfit and get outside!"
It is funny what Oregonians will wear when the sun is shining even if it is only 65 degrees outside.

Anyways, we had lots of fun.
Tyson looks normal.

But this is what he really looks like right now.
Shocked? I was, when he left for his run with hair, and come home looking like this.

Doesn't she look happy to be picked up by Berkie?

I don't think he could get much cuter than in this picture!

And what a cutie. She was "modeling".

We had such fun with our cousins!

2 love notes:

RaeAnn said...

How fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Jenn Scott!! Your family is ridiculously sweet and you are a professional photographer! We miss you guys. Oh, and I really like Tyson's hair...or lack thereof.
-Kelly Morrison