Saturday, June 2

busy busy day

We own a business.
Have I told you that?

Anyways, we are trying to cut costs, make our overhead smaller, so we can make more mula!
Our first big cut was our cleaning service.
Sounds weird to have cut a cleaning service at a medical practice...
but I was there one afternoon while she was cleaning, and I KNEW by watching her that I could do a better job.
And we are saving quite a bit of money, by firing them...

SO what have our Saturdays turned into?
Clean the office day

 and then reward the wee folk with 50 cent ice cream cones from McDonald's.

And don't worry, EVERYONE got ice cream.
This little nugget might not have cleaned anything, but she sure did miss a nap due to our crazy cleaning schedule.
She deserved some.
So you might be thinking that cleaning a building isn't that busy...
WELL, we also have a friend coming in town tomorrow, so we

cleaned the kitchen
cleaned the fridge
cleaned 3 bathrooms
vacuumed the whole house
mopped a couple floors
got cash out for our "cash budget"
reworked budget
bought cleaning supplies
returned a bike helmet because MERRICK'S head is crazy big
bought a different bike helmet size 8+?!!! What! That is a big head!
planned menu
went grocery shopping
paid bills
washed dishes
cleaned the pantry
wrote some business emails
4 loads of laundry
bought trifold paper towels for office
bought toilet paper for office
filled out some forms
got our friends room ready upstairs
working on editing some pictures I took of my friend's scrumptious newborn

and now I have to work on the "procedure manual" for the office...

tired. so very tired.

4 love notes:

RaeAnn said...

who is coming to visit?

JS said...

one of tyson's mission comps. is coming to get orthotics. :)

Maren B said...

That sounds like cleaning hell. I hope you don't do that every saturday.

Kristy said...

You are Cah-ra-zee gal! I do believe that you could definitely clean better than a hired company. You should tell Tyson you want to be added to payroll. Then you can use that money to shop at Anthro. he he