We have now been camping TWICE this summer. Say what? Who are we becoming!
Oregonians... apparently.
We finally bought our own tent after throwing our old one away 5 years ago.
Anyways, Round 1 (see here) was amazing. I loved the people we went with, and we very much enjoyed ourselves...
Round 2: New people who were so fun, our entire ward, and we camped by the beach. Does this not look like the beach? We walked two minutes and BAM there it was. We could here it all night, but this is what we saw while "in camp". It was fun to get the forest feel and the beach feel all in one day!
Which camping trip won?
Well, I would say a tie, because I would go back to that dirt and dry of Crab Flats just to be with our old friends again, but OREGON camping is DEFINITELY my favorite camping location! Plus, getting to know new friends is exciting and fun!
(We were so sad to miss our annual Huntington Beach End Of the Summer Corn Roast, so we brought it too Oregon to share with our new friends.) |
PS: We had so much fun that I didn't get the camera out very much...oops.
We did catch the kids playing King, Queen, Princess, Princess, and Knight in and among the fairies of Fern Gully! hehe...

Merrick was king of course. Can't you just imagine the stately message he was giving to the commoners.
