Friday, June 18

adventures in crafting

The other day two friends came over that have little girls... The kids played (or laid on the floor) while we got to work.

The work station with Michelle hard at work:

Here is one of the many breaks we took to rejuvinate. (Seriously following a tutorial can be tricky.)

Here is the finished product:

Berkleigh said, "Oh mom! A beautiful dress! Thanks you so much for making a beautiful dress for me!" It was so cute. Although it wasn't beautiful... I did another one where I actually read the tutorial word for word and it turned out WAY cuter!

She put it on...

and the twirling started...

I love these skirts! They are perfect for summer, cheap and SOO cute!

Tutorial found here.

Thanks girls for a fun day.

6 love notes:

Michelle Nguyen said...

Wow! You made 2 skirts! YOu amaze me. They are super cute. Thanks for posting that beautiful pic of me! haha. I love Maddy's face, shows her great mood that day. Can't wait to see B model her new skirts!

Emily C said...

so fun! i love the colored stitching you did on the pockets, and the blue one came out so cute. love the twirls. you go girl - berk!
i want to make another one too!!

Laura said...

those are so cute. i am about to get my first sewing machine. i am such a rookie! i wish i knew someone like you that could help me out...none of my friends are much for crafty.

SweetmamaK said...

Super cute skirts- I may attempt it- but what I love most are the adorable red shoes!!! Your children are adorable!

Sally said...

Those are way cute! Are you serious that the kids just played or laid on the floor while you worked? Nobody snuck off and clogged the toilet with paper or threw every toy in the house into every corner? I'll trade you kids.

Emily said...

that tut is kinda difficult, i've tried to make that market skirt too-yours turned out great-love the colors!!