So Tyson sold his paintball gun at our garage sale. With that money he got to buy an airsoft gun. Oh joy...
Exhibit A:
Our Blinds.
Exhibit B:
My favorite lamp. You can't see the hole in this picture, but Tyson did try this out as a target... grrr! :)
It reeks havoc on our kids:
Exhibit A:
On the floor (EVERYWHERE)
In the mouth, through the digestive track...and on to Exhibit B.
Exhibit B: No Picture, and you should be thankful for that. I will describe... opened Merrick's diaper to find 3 airsoft pellets peeking out of his morning business. Yuck! I used to think teal and brown looked good together... but not like this!
He always seems to bring out the guns before we move, so when we are cleaning, we (I) find millions of those stupid pellets ALL over. Does the vacuum pick it up? No! Do I have to pick them all up by hand? Yes! Do they just multiple on there own? I actually think they do!
At least he is happy.
11 love notes:
Teal and Brown never seemed to clash so much until I read this!
So funny! I am glad you have a sense of humor about it.
the teal and brown comment took that post from good to great. compliments on a job well done.
But is so fun! Seriously, can I get an Amen out there, guns and guys just go togther they are partically spelled the same. I love you Jen thanks for letting me have the gun and picking up my pellets...that sounds like I am a deer.
I agree w/ the guns & guys thing (guns & gals too) so Amen! But Tyson in the spirit of conciliation, you gotta keep the pellets away from the kids! ;)
Jen am am glad you have somewhere to vent about this because shooting stuff is just a part of being a guy. As much fun as you may think it would be for him to braid your hair and watch project runway with you, you have to admit it would also be a little unnerving.
Freaking hilarious! Michael begs me all the time to get a gun!
Tee Hee Hee. Tyson cracks me up.
just don't shot your eye out-my brother got a pellet STUCK in his eye ball!! do tyson play by himself or with out guys?
This cracked me up, especially knowing some of Tyson's destructive childhood stories i.e. coffee table. Boys will be boys, always, but I guess that's why we love them so much.
Oh my gosh! Funniest. Post. Ever. I miss the crap out of you guys
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