Sunday, January 26

School parties

Merrick had his class Christmas party. They had been learning all month about different cultures and what they celebrate. For their party, they had just finished up Mexico. So they had a piñata! It was so fun to watch them!

Merricks yeah also had them go caroling, but to go, they had to look the part. Merricks teacher had made ever child a scarf that said made with love for Merrik from Mrs----. So so darling. I love Merricks teacher!


This pretty girl got into my makeup. Berkleigh never did that! Berkleigh also never was picky about what color plate she ate on, Wuinvy wants a pink plate and a pink fork every time...

Tyson is 34!!

Hey, so Tyson turned the big 34... He is now in his early mid 30s! What? He got a cork surfboard (? Bought it himself and made my shopping easier!) and then we gave him a gift certificate for a massage. 
He had been wanting one forever. Can you believe his is 34 and never had a massage?

Zoo lights

We went to The Portland Zoo for their Christmas Zoo light event with some friends. It was lots of fun. It will definitely be an annual event! 

Friday, January 3

Christmas Morning

The kids slept in until 7:45. I say slept it, because I was thinking they would be up way earlier than that! I was pleasantly surprised. They wanted to go down so quick, but we had fun making them wait until we were all up and ready to go down together.

I love little wonder faces...

Gotta love a good Santa present...
Double shot arcade game for the basement and Berkleigh got her first American Girl Doll.

 And Quincy got Anna from Frozen and a brand new stroller/pram.

This picture makes me happy. I love my little family.

Grandmas... you got lots of smiles!

Lots of building...
 and of course a nap.

The Eve

This year was our first year by ourselves for Christmas. 
It is always fun to be with family...
bu that wasn't an option this year, and it was really nice!
It was nice to not have to worry about getting stuff home or just traveling around the holidays in general is always a worry.

We had our friends over Christmas Eve.
We read our new Christmas book for the year, Too Many Tamales, and then we ate tamales homemade by someone else! She brought them to me, and I paid her. Perfect!
I made 7 layer dip, and our friends brought black beans, salsa, and the best Tres Leches trifle I have ever sunk my teeth into.
Dinner was good.

We read some other favorite Christmas books...

And of course did the most important... we acted out the nativity.
Tessa was Mary.
Merrick was Joseph.
Quincy was a sheep.
Berkleigh was the angel.

Emory was one of the wiseman.
Fischer was a Sheppard.
Tyson was every from the donkey, to a shepard to a wiseman.
(He is such a good sport and totally hilarious.)

it is so hard to take the perfect picture... and to then pick the one that works the best.

After the Maughans left to go finish off their family traditions... we got into our Christmas pajamas, got the cookies, carrots and egg nog out for Santa, finished off some of our scripture reading advents and called it a night. Well the kids called it a night.
We still had hours of work ahead of us. 

This little one was so excited to be wearing her Christmas jammies, for cookies to be outside the kitchen and for all the presents.

 We stayed up late wrapping presents. 
Disclaimer: There is not one present UNDER the tree. It was so big on the bottom, nothing could go under it... and most of those presents are from grandparents as well. We were well loved this year.

And I finally put up a Christmas chalkboard the day before Christmas. I just couldn't have a thanksgiving quote up on Christmas. Wish I had done it earlier, cause now it is time to take it down. :)

We had such a great Christmas Eve. It was very relaxing and simple. 

Thursday, January 2


Berkleigh had her Mid year "open class recital". It is very informal, but it is always fun to get to see what she has learned because we do not get to go in the studio room except on this December day.

She is just so cute in her outfit.

They have started to do stuff at the barre. I kinda love it. I am not expecting Berkleigh to go to Julliard for dance or to even go to pointe. 
I am more wanting her to gain more flexiblity, balance and grace.

She takes ballet with her little bestie Tessa and this year, Emory (Tessa's older sister and Merrick's little bestie) joined in on the fun this year and we love it!

Her teacher is so sweet with them. 
