Sunday, October 21

Halloween fun

Even though I have had a ton going on with church, we have managed to fit in some fun activities...

We made pumpkin waffles from tjs. amazing. It may look burnt, but it is really these gross cinnamon chocolate chips I accidentally bought. They were perfect for these though, and it made a jack o lantern face!

One day we had no school, so we watched a spooky Netflix Shrek movie.
 (Anyone seen it? It has the gingerbread boy and he has the baker make him a gingerbread girl... it is actually creepy.)

I found this idea on pinterest, and we had SO much fun with it.

 They had some pretty unique plays they came up with.

Mummy pizzas were on the menu.

Opened an amazing Halloween package from Grandma.

And made some Halloween ghosts to practice our horrendous cutting abilities. :)

Throw in a couple of pumpkin patches (another post), and you got yourself a packed week of Halloween fun!

1 love notes:

Sheryl said...

Ian's mom gave our kids that Shrek movie last year. It is creepy, but not too creepy that my kids get scared.