Sorry it has taken so long to post this. I have just been having to much fun loving on our new little QT.
Quincy Tate Scott
8 pounds 2 ounces
19 1/2 inches long
November 21, 2011
We went in to the hospital after saying goodbye to the kids and grandma.
We took this fab picture before I stripped down to my amazing hospital gown.
We loved our nurse. She stayed with us from the minute we got to the hospital, through surgery prep, during c section, and throughout recovery. It was like having a friend in the surgery with us.
They were busy on the mother baby floor that day, so we had to wait for an hour or so to go in to have Quincy. It was nice to just sit and relax and let the adrenaline leave the body.
Finally ready and all gowned up and walking to the operating room.
While getting the spinal, catheter and IV drugs going, the nurses asked me what I had done on my final week before the new baby. I told them we had a girls night at Breaking Dawn. The doctor was in the room, which I didn't think he was there yet, and said he had seen it too, and promised he wouldn't bite through my uterine wall with his teeth. What a weird conversation to be having when actually getting a c- section.
And then we heard the gushing of fluids, and the most beautiful cry. She was ready to come, and I couldn't control my emotions. She is finally here, and our family feels that much more complete.
Dad, Mom and Quincy
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While I was being stitched up, Tyson got to go with Quincy for her first tests! She passed with 9's and got to hold her daddy's hand for the first time, and weighed in at 8 pounds 2 ounces. She looked so big compared to the twins!
How amazing is that sucking reflex tongue!
We were off to recovery where I got to hold Quincy for the first time. She looks so much like Berkleigh!
Smitten Daddy in recovery with us!
It was just us three for 2 hours.
I love seeing Tyson with this QT, and that face? I just want to eat it!
Merrick and Berkleigh and Grandma came during Quincy's first bath!
I love Merrick's face in this picture.
Merrick has been so excited to give Quincy her little squeaky giraffe, and Berkleigh has just been so excited to hold her sister and to "stay in a family forever".
Quincy is pretty lucky to have such great older siblings. They already take care of her and give her lots of loves!
I love this picture.
Not because I look extremely tired, but because our three kids are in the background together!
What would make this picture perfect would be if Tyson were sitting next to me.
Merrick's face says it all.
My mom loving her time with her new grand daughter!
Our First Family picture...
where I could possibly not look any worse. :)
But, you take what you can get, right?
While my mom was holding Quincy, Berkleigh touched Quincy's hand and she grabbed Berkleigh's finger. Berkleigh told my mom, "Quincy is grabbing my finger tight because she loves me so much."
How cute is she.
Dressed in her first outfit, and ready to work out...
We got to leave the hospital early and in time to be home a day early so we could be ready for Thanksgiving!
Proud dad ready to put Quincy in her carseat, and ready to go out in this crazy weather!
Ready for her first car ride!

Ready to go home and be with the rest of our family!
We had such a great experience and we are excited to be home and trying out this whole family of five thing! As for the question I hear all the time< "Is it easier than with the twins?"
The answer is, "Yes, I believe it is!"