Friday, August 21

Less than 59 animals..

live at the Orange County Zoo, but it was the perfect size for the three toddlers and 1 baby that we took today. We saw a couple bears, a mountain lion, raccoons, bobcat, and some owls 'who' smelled like BO.

They had a cute little farm area, and our kids fed the goats. Fun was had by all, and it costs $2 to get in... are you serious?

Feeding the goats...

Just a little goat pampering...

"Old Mtdonal Fam" or at least that is what Berkleigh calls it...

1 love notes:

Autumn said...

Left you a message on facebook about beach, come play anytime! I am impressed of all the places you take the kids! Going to add your blog to my page, hope that is ok!