Wednesday, August 19

58 Seconds

Today we went to the fire station at Balboa Island.
From Aug 09

My friend Emily said she took her little ones there the other day... i thought, free and awesome! And my friend Megan, thought this would be a great place to go cause it has an old fashioned fire truck. Thanks for the idea! This is the firetruck...

So we went.

We were there for 58 seconds though (we were there longer, but I had to get in the Day somewhere..), cause they got a call while we were there. That was bittersweet, cause we didn't get to stay very long, but we sure got to see some action.

Merrick and Berkleigh got hats and stickers...

Got comfy in the fire rig wheel...

and then the alarms sounded, and millions of firefighters came out of the wood work, hoped on the rig turned on the lights and sirens, and drove off...
As we were on our way out, my friend Kristy got her stroller stuck in this crevice... while the garage doors were shutting behind her. I have never heard such a cry of desperation. It was funny... This is the same friend that got stuck on the escalator with me at Fashion Island.

After the fire truck drove off, and we were left with nothing to do, we decided to have a little photo shoot...

And then went here for dessert...

You know you have had a good day, when you are decorated from head to toe in stickers...

2 love notes:

Taylors said...

mmmmm....firefighters and cupcakes. my kind of day

Emily C said...

the next time you are on balboa island, you have to go to "cinnamon roll fair". its about a block from that firestation, right there on the main street. they have THE BEST home made cookies!!!