Thursday, July 23

Life's a Beach: 31

We went to two different beaches today:

Mother's Beach...

and The Wedge.. duh duh duhhh.

Mother's Beach is a great beach for kids, cause they can actually play in the water, and an AWESOME beach for mom's cause we can actually talk and not worry our kids will drown or be swept away. That is pretty perfect all around.

Hailey and Dallin, our wee little friends that came...

Max and Berkleigh "ready, set, go"-ing into the water

The Result

Now Merrick wants in...

The Wedge has HUGE waves right now, and everybody knows about it..

We had a blast watching the 15-20 ft waves and the crazies who were actually boogie boarding out there.

Tyson had to hold them because the water would crash on the shore so high up, that one of them would have been swept away for sure.

2 love notes:

mackenzie said...

so sick! nough said : )

Jenny said...

aww berkleigh found herself a little summer lovin'! so cute, i love her expression running into the water!