Friday, June 19


like babies, but bigger.
Berkleigh says, "My bu bed."Translation: "My Big Bed."

They aren't how I want them. There are other pieces of furniture that I found on the street that need to be painted and put in the room. The room will be switched around. The easel won't be that close to the bed, stuff needs to be put on the walls, the beds need to be painted, and the quilts need to be finished. I have crafternoon planned for the next 6 months. :)

6 love notes:

Emily said...

that's great i love berkleighs quilt~sounds like you need to get busy~can't wait to see the finished product!

Amy said...


Jenny said...

aww those are cute little beds with some cute little kids in them! i like how they are so close to the ground. i would feel very safe with kate in that bed. glad to hear it was a successful transition!

RaeAnn said...

Soooo Sweet!! It sounds like you need me to come out again and help!!
Love you!!

Laura said...

that is great! are you napping them in the beds too? chase went into a big bed a couple of months ago, did great at first, but now bedtime and naptime have become very problematic and he refuses to go back to his crib. could also have to do with the new baby being at home. let me know if they keep it up!

Matt and Melody Odell said...

I want to come over and see the room! I can't wait to see how you do the puppet stage.