So this weekend has been super eventful! We went to Mackenzie's high school graduation.
(Congrats, and we are excited you are at BYU for the summer, but remember we miss you.)
We took Brooke back home with us for a night and two fun filled days doing this:
...and got a CRAZY sunburn.
The good news... I have great skin, and instead of peeling, it turned into quite a nice tan.

And shopping. We had lots of fun and success shopping!
On Friday night, we went to the Po-Pos for some games and the most AMAZING dessert ever!
We taught the Po-Pos to play this:

And we finished at midnight, with Jason begging to play again. We left their house at 2:30 am!!
You might be wondering where the kiddies were? Well they were ALL (four of them, Emily, Lauren, B & M) having a sleep over in the back room. I am seeing many more game nights in the future if that occurs EVERY time. :)
We ate this:

I will have to tell you it is the most amazing dessert EVER! It is just ice cream sandwiches, gooey fudge chocolate, and whipped cream.
(Jenny, I think you would LOVE this!)
On Saturday, our friends the Hiatts, came into town for a podiatry conference at Disneyland. We went out to lunch with them and off for some fun at the beach. We love them! They are great, and it is fun to have a mentor/friend for Tyson, and a friend for me. Plus their kids LOVE the twins. We have a lot of fun with them. Thanks guys!
Both of them RAN towards the water and rolled around in it, instead of running away.

Building a sand castle.
On Sunday, my cousin Tiff and her husband came into town! It was fun to have lunch with them!
I was a lame blogger today, and didn't have my camera, but she was an amazing blogger, who had her camera, so I will have to post the pictures later.
We love our friends, old and new, and I am glad that we have had so much fun with them all this weekend!