Today is Jen's 28th Birthday! Because it's May 19, we are usually traveling or finishing finals. We seldomly are home for her birthday and today is no exception. Today we are going to The Price is Right. Then some b-day shopping. Jen is amazing, and everyday I am thankful that she was born. It's fun and easy to be married to my best friend. Here are 28 things I love about her in no particular order.
1. Jen is a spiritual giant
2. Jen is a terrific teacher
3. Jen is an amazing mother
4. Jen is VERY good at trivia and super smart
5. Jen is fun to debate with
6. Jen is very creative and artistic
7. Jen will try anything once
8. Jen is a Broccoli-holic
9. Jen is a veracious reader
10. Jen is a decent skateboarder-I love you Jen Happy Birthday-Tyson
11. Jen is a computer wiz
12. Jen is great at her church callings
13. Jen loves being cold then wrapping herself in blankets
14. Jen loves warm weather
15. Jen dosen't like lace or things that are too friley
16. Jen is always down for a good walk
17. Jen can type really fast-way faster than me
18. Jen is a good driver, and dosen't get tickets
19. Jen is great at confrontation esp with purchasing and returns
20. Jen cook well esp and is a master at cooking eggs and artichoke
21. Jen has incredible handwriting which could be it's own font
22. Jen punches hard (when she is playing)
23. Jen loves Dreyers Somoas Ice cram
24. Jen has out fished me on more than one occasion
25. Jen looks good in just about everything
26. Jen is a good kisser ( in case you all were wondering)
27. Jen sees designs and ideas in her head and can reproduce them perfectly
28. Jen favorite animal is a Giraffe

19 love notes:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEN! Good luck on the price is right! What a great post Tyson, I learned ALOT about Jen today. INCLUDING that Berk looks EXACTLY like Jen did!
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Happy Birthday Jen! Hope to see you at our 10 year reunion! :)
happy birthday jen! i am for sure tuning in to the price is right today!!
Happy Birthday Jen. Have fun today, too bad Bob won't be there. We hope you have a great day and can't wait to see you guys.
Happy Birthday Jen!! You look just as cute now as you did way, way back then!!! LOL!!!
Love you mom
Happy Birthday Jen!!! Have fun at The Price is Right! (although it's just not the same with out Bob :) )
happy birthday!!! I hope you have a great day!!!
Yea!!! Happy Birthday! I hope you are having a wonderful day and that all your wishes come true! Love you!
Happy birthday Jen! Twenty-eight is awesome, you're gonna love it!
Happy Birthday!! We miss you and your family. Love--Sheryl, Ian, and Kids :)
I love you, Jen! You're the BOMB and I hope your day EXPLODED with happiness. :)
Happy Happy Day!!!
By the way, or BTW, however suits, Clickity-Clack, the book you said your kids are reading - I LOVE that book. When we we had that checked out from the library for some reason I became obsessed with it. I don't even think Thacks liked it, but I would always pick it out for him for us to read. Funny that an adult likes kiddy books, but oh well. And I'm sure he grew to appreciate the humor in it.
Hope you had a great B-day!!! Being on The Price Is Right is an awesome birthday activity! I'm so jealous!;)
Happy Birthday, Jen!
I hope you had fun at the Price is Right! That's awesome (as Jack would say).
I looks like we'll miss saying goodbye to you - hope your move goes well. We'll miss you guys!
YAY! Happy Birthday Jen! That was such a sweet post from your hubby. I hope you had a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday Jen! I hope it was great and I am so excited that you got to go to the price is right! Did Chris call you? Because I left him a note to remind him to call you on Monday.
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