Friday, March 14

The grass is always greener...

I am glad I don't have to buy this anymore:

But come on ... how many times a week do I have to buy these!
We were at the store buying ONLY milk and bananas. Merrick was screaming, and Berkleigh was staring at Merrick, and her bottom lip was quivering in fright over her brother's tantrum. (Seriously! He is LOUD!) 
There was this woman in the produce section, and she gave a sad "ahh" and stuck out her bottom lip as if to say, "Poor guy!" I think... "No, poor me!" But whatever he is smaller and cuter so he gets the sympathy.

Anyways, the minute I picked up the bananas, he stopped crying, gave a huge clap, a big smile, and a small sort of jig.  The lady laughed, and I realized why I go to the store just to get bananas.

4 love notes:

RaeAnn said...

Is that a coincidence that you buy "Berkeley" milk??? I'm glad to know that they have good appetites!!
Love you!!!

Kyle, Laurel, Elle and Brett said...

too cute! Elle loves her bananas too. Do you mind if I link to your blog from mine?
Have a great weekend!

Amy said...

Well at least the bananas made him happy! I can't tell you how many times I have almost been in tears from Boston screaming in the store, and EVERYONE looking at me!

jackie e said...

get used to buying lots and lots of the red capped milk. i'm trying to wean david so he can drink whole milk, i think he doesn't like it because i refuse to warm it up for him. maybe i'll cave. you're kids are so cute by the way. i like your different posts too. wait until they're talking and telling you all the things they want from the store.