December 17 was Tyson's birthday. We had fun having dinner and opening presents. Tyson's gifts: soccer ball that you tie to your waist and kick, these rockets you shoot with this bazooka looking thing, a new suit, the movie Transformers, a super cool shirt...and something really cool from his parents... but you will have to wait and see the post on it tomorrow night. :)
We love you Tyson even though you are super old.... (28).... I guess if I call Tyson old, I have to call myself old. I will be 28 in 6 months!
By the way, you will not see me in these pictures because i was "deathly" ill with the stomach flu. This was the beginning of a stomach flu epidemic that ran rampant through the Scott household.

3 love notes:
It looks like Tyson had a fun birthday; you have me curious now about the gift that's worthy of its own blog post. hmm. Jen the stomach flu is no fun, hopefully you guys are all feeling better.
Oh and i like the Meg Ryan bit above the comment box, great movie.
oh also, the recipe market link doesn't work. i put is that right?
Hey you guys - I am glad that you were able to check out our blog. We've had a busy year. It looks like you've been busy too. Your twins are soooo cute!
Glad you had such a nice b-day Tyson - and, you aren't that old : )
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