Monday, May 13

tea parties

Berkleigh wanted another tea party.
She wanted to invite a couple of princesses, but it was last minute and before Ballet, so we just invited her favorite princess this time because I was taking them to ballet anyway.
Oh these two crack me up.

Pouring some tea.

Merrick came down in his church clothes ready to serve. 
Don't you just love the towel over his arm.

Quincy wasn't having it though. She really wanted to be apart of it, and Merrick could not be on that chair.

2 love notes:

Emily C said...

what a cute tea set!! i was scrambling everywhere to find a cute (and cheap!! hard to find!) tea set for pea's party. so ended up finding mix match tea cup sets at thrift stores.

and PS i can't wait to see more pics of your NEW HOME!! the inside!!! gorgeous house!! congrats!!

RaeAnn said...

I think Q needs a tea party dress!!!
Love ya!!!