Sunday, January 20

Class gifts and report cards

Merrick and Berkleigh missed a week of school while we were in Louisiana. It is kindergarten. I wasn't too worried about it, but I talked to their teacher at parent/teacher conferences to see if there was anything I should do while we were gone. They are such little smarties, she told me not to worry.
Then when we got home, we had to take the token picture with their first report cards.

After we got back from a week vacation from school, they were able to go to the last day of school before the break. I was sad because while we were gone we missed the kindergarten Christmas program and their class party, but we did get there for the last day of school so we could give their teacher and classmates presents.

I had so much to do, but somehow we managed to make their class gifts.
Thank you pinterest.
We got out 30 bags, and then they had to count out 8 whoppers and 1 red cherry sour for their "reindeer noses".
Then I had them write "reindeer noses" 30 times. They were super happy to do it until around number 15. hehe.

1 love notes:

petersmith said...

They are such little smarties. :) Pawnbroking