Girls Weekend '10 was a blast...
I love these girls.
We get together once a year, and it feels like we have never been apart.
Here is the breakdown of the weekend...
Leave OC at 9:15.
Arrive at 10:35 in Oakland. Wait at Jessica's gate for 10 minutes.
Meet up with Chelsea and Jenny.
Drive to Jenny's house.
Stay up until 5 am.
Get up at 9 am.
Get ready, go shopping:
Eat lunch at CPK and shop downtown Walnut Creek (one of my favorite places):
Get Pedicures:
How awesome is the wooden Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?
Go out to eat at Chevy's.
Think about a movie, but decide we are too tired.
Go home, talk and fall asleep.
Wake up and go to our old ward (church).
Go into the city (San Francisco) and have a picnic by the Golden Gate Bridge at Chrissy Field.
Have a couple of photo shoots.
How lucky are we to get to spend the weekend with this little lady! She is THE BEST baby ever.
Drive around the city.
Go home and eat Zachary's pizza we bought half baked the day before.
Stay up until 3 am.
Walk up at 4:20 am to get to the airport on time.
Fly home.
Can't wait until next year.
PS. This trip would not have happened if it wasn't for my sponsor: Tyson (the best husband in the world!)