Saturday, July 25

Part Two: Sabotaged...

Instead of part two of fun day, some person had to go and dislocate their talus. I wish I had some good medical terminology for you, but this picture will do.. Tyson is working on someone right now, the kids are asleep, and instead of Part 2, I will be watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Ahh, relaxing.. stay tuned. It will happen soon. :)

3 love notes:

Jess said...

Major bummer!! Don't Worry. Tyson fixes feet's caviters... and finger owies too.

Taylors said...

oh no! how did that happen?! I am seriously AMAZED that you have been going non-stop with all this summer fun! Your kids are definitely lucky they've got a mom like you!!

Amy said...

BTW- we are going up the the wedge today to see what all the hype is about (hope they are still big!)...maybe Huntington too- so call me if you guys are going to be around!