So I have so much to post on this blog, so I will break it down into categories. 1. Decorations and food, 2. the guests, 3.the twins...*obvi* (that is for you Brooke), 4. the loot, and 5. the events leading up to the party.

I made the Happy Birthday Sign. I am not into the metallic sign you get at party stores so I made my own. I wanted the party to be all about the twins, so I put pictures of them over their first year all over the walls.

The party favor table. You got a chinese take out box and filled it with the candy of your choice.

The party favor boxes.

The yummy cupcakes. We had funfetti too, but apparently they were the faves.

The twins birthday cakes.

The decorations and dinner. Little Ceasers 5 buck pizza and pasta salad. The pasta salad had heart shaped pasta, and I was going to cut pepperonis into the shape of hearts, but who has time for that!

More decorations.
2. The GUESTS...
We had 17 people -minus a few hubbies and the Heymans who had to be on vacation! :)

Jen...Teacher friend.

Hiatts and Carvers

Petersens and Liz (aka Betty) Teacher friend

Erin (teacher friend) and biggity beau Chris.
3. The LOOT...

Merrick got a shirt that says McDreamy! I love him! Berkleigh got a darling bracelet. Great toys that make LOTS of noise. ;), and some more really cute clothes.
4. The TWINS..

Berkleigh in her "1" onesie (I made), her matching tutu (I made), and her footless tights (I made.. well I cut the ends of stockings cause the footless tights were to expensive for me to fork over the money for.)

M & B playing with a present.

Merrick in his "1" onesie which I made, and is the same paisley pattern as Berk's except in boy colors.

I had to post this picture cause I had the nastiest cold sore, and I photoshopped it out! Hehe... Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday dear Merrick and Berkleigh

Happy Birthday to you.

Now Gorge yourselves on sweets you've never had before. What a strange tradition.
Merrick drank some laundry detergent. No worries, he barely drank any. I called poison control and my dad, the chemical engineer.

Tyson totaled our car. He is fine the car is not!

Don't worry we didn't crash OUR Lamborghini, it was our Cavalier, but still a great loss.
PS: I am not doing another birthday party for a long time...