Monday, October 8

Laundry Day

So Mondays are usually the laundry day. I use to hate doing the laundry, but I don't mind it so much anymore. It is kinda fun folding little clothes! I left the room for a second, and when I got back I found this....
I don't really know how Berkleigh got in the basket.
So I dumped Merrick into the basket too. We had fun playing with the clean, tide smelling, warm clothes right out from the dryer. I just wish the babies were as clean as the clothes!

7 love notes:

Jess said...

I can smell the fresh laundry from here!

Jenny said...

oh wow. how did she get in the basket? that is talent!

Chelsea said...

I love the warm clothes right out of the dryer! Sometimes I wish I could just crawl in and curl up in them...tell Berkleigh I totally understand!

Amy said...

CUTE!! I wish laundry was that fun at my house! Seriously, how did she get in that basket? I don't think Boston could do that!! I can just see Brother giving her a lift hehe!

Brianna and Tyson Smith said...

I think Berkleigh's expression is the best in the first photo. I'm still scratching my head...wondering how she got in there...

JS said...

Ok... so she got in the basket, and I added a few more clothes once I found her in there, but I really have no idea how she got in there. I hope she didn't hurt her little nose, cause she had to go head first into the basket. She didn't cry though...

One of the wonders of the world...

McGraths said...
