Why was my mom watching my kids?
Because Tyson and I signed up to run the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay in Utah with some friends...
The day before we were to fly out, Tyson's stomach was killing him. We went to the ER... Appendicitis.
No Ragnar for us.
But surgery instead.
Why was I packing?
We bought a HOUSE!!
But the day Tyson had his surgery and the day we didn't get to run our race in Utah, our mortgage broker called and said that our loan wasn't approved. That is a whole boring, long, ridiculous story that didn't have to happen, but did.
Because if the Scott Mortgage Mess of 2013, we were homeless for 10 days, because we had to move out of our rental.
Friends houses.
A nice banker at a local bank.
10 days later and we had ourselves a loan.
Enter house.
Had to get all our stuff out of Tyson's garage at work and to the new house...
And we are now finally in!
Throw in swim lessons, dramatic phone conversations (just for effect), a holiday, and the last month of our life could be a lifetime mini series.
I will be back, but just have to get my computer out of the box.