I went with Mackenzie, Ashleigh, and Brooke to the Gwen Stefani concert tonight in Orange County. It was SO AWESOME! I have to say it was the best concert I have been too... and I sat on the 2nd row at a Garth Brooks concert!
We had the best time. Akon opened for Gwen and then Gwen came out and performed all her best songs on Sweet Escape and all the favorites on Love.Angel.Music.Baby. It was great!
The best was at the very end she sang Orange County Girl and everything went dark. All these people got up and left. I thought, "We aren't leaving until they turn the lights on..." We saw this trail of lights leaving the ampitheater, and we stayed in our seats. Then NO DOUBT came on. They played "I'm Just a Girl", "Spiderweb", and "It's My Life". It was a big surprise. She also said that her next album is a NO DOUBT album.
So all in all... June 22... a good day. Yea! Gwen is awesome.