Wednesday, August 20

Family Photos 2014

So, I am a lame-o on this here blog thing. We are just so busy with soccer, voice lessons, ballet, church callings, a bigger house that requires more time to clean it, running a business… just life!

We did get family pictures taken in June, and I have already picked out our Christmas card! I am feeling quite on top of it in that department.  In the blog department… not so much.

Here are our family pictures taken by Jylare Smith Photography. She was the best! If you live in Orange County or Utah, find her and have her take your pictures.


Friday, June 20

Last Day of School

Mr. K and Berkleigh and Mrs. Ross and Merrick

They were great teachers for my littles. I was happy with my decisions to put them in different classes, but man that is hard to see what one 1st grade teacher is doing differently than the other...

 Berkleigh and one of her little buddies... Berkleigh made had the best little girl friends in her class.

Finish line to first grade and breaking our way into Summer!

We have some new suits and flip flops to enjoy our summer days...

Thursday, June 19

A little French Ballet

This pretty girl had her ballet recital a month ago. 
Berkleigh and her two close friends got to be in the same class and dance to french music and pretend they lived in Paris and shopped at Parisian markets for baguettes.
So. Cute.

These girls are darling.

 Love them.

Wednesday, February 12

It is snowing!

It was so nice a couple days ago. I was even telling my friend how it was so weird that my phone said it was sunny even though snow was falling.... Now we can't leave our house because there is so much snow. Our car has 4 wheel drive but it is everyone else in Salem that have no idea how to drive that keeps us home. So as I clean out some photos in this cold indoor snowy day, I found some pictures never blogged about... Like the snow storm of 2012 when we wet trying to get to California for our cruise! 

We were the only people on a mountain road... The road was covered with snow. No lines, no people, just the Scott's and the snow. It was creepy and beautiful all at the same time.

Finally when we arrived, we couldn't miss the party and showed up to the Old spaghetti Factory in pjs to meet the family. No shame but WT abounded that second. 

Sunday, January 26

School parties

Merrick had his class Christmas party. They had been learning all month about different cultures and what they celebrate. For their party, they had just finished up Mexico. So they had a piñata! It was so fun to watch them!

Merricks yeah also had them go caroling, but to go, they had to look the part. Merricks teacher had made ever child a scarf that said made with love for Merrik from Mrs----. So so darling. I love Merricks teacher!


This pretty girl got into my makeup. Berkleigh never did that! Berkleigh also never was picky about what color plate she ate on, Wuinvy wants a pink plate and a pink fork every time...

Tyson is 34!!

Hey, so Tyson turned the big 34... He is now in his early mid 30s! What? He got a cork surfboard (? Bought it himself and made my shopping easier!) and then we gave him a gift certificate for a massage. 
He had been wanting one forever. Can you believe his is 34 and never had a massage?